cliftonmr reviewed Night Shift by Stephen King
A few of the stories in here I liked more than the others, but every story in this book was fantastic. I'm ready to dig into a novel length story from Stephen King in the near future.
Paperback, 426 pages
Langue : Chinese
Publié par 上海译文出版社.
《守夜》是斯蒂芬•金继《闪灵》之后出版的又一部恐怖力作,也是金的第一部短篇小说集,其中收录了二十篇最具悬念的惊悚故事。异乎寻常的情节,匪夷所思的事件,暮色中,恐惧和疯狂披上了诡异、超凡的外衣。墙壁里的声响,床榻旁的黑影,怪物在潜行…… 一个个熟悉而平凡的场景:高中,工厂,卡车加油站,洗衣房,内布拉斯加的玉米地……在斯蒂芬•金的世界里,任何地方都有可能成为魔鬼的乐园。
“在后面的故事里,你会遇见各色昼伏夜出的生灵:吸血鬼、魔鬼情人、躲在衣橱里的家伙,还有其他各种各样的鬼怪。这些都不是真的。那个躲在我床下,伺机抓我脚踝的生物也不是真的。我心里清楚。我也知道,如果我小心地把脚藏在被子下面,它永远也无法得逞。”——斯蒂芬•金 《守夜》序言
Stephen King has brought together nineteen of his most unsettling short pieces--bizarre tales of dark doing and unthinkable acts from the twilight regions where horror and madness take on eerie, unearthly forms...where noises in the walls and shadows by the bed are always signs of something dreadful on the prowl.
The settings are familiar and unsuspected--a high school, a factory, a truck stop, a laundry, a field of Nebraska corn. But in Stephen King's world any place can serve as devil's ground...if the time of night is propitious, and the forces of darkness are strong, and the victims are caught just slightly off their guard... (source)
《守夜》是斯蒂芬•金继《闪灵》之后出版的又一部恐怖力作,也是金的第一部短篇小说集,其中收录了二十篇最具悬念的惊悚故事。异乎寻常的情节,匪夷所思的事件,暮色中,恐惧和疯狂披上了诡异、超凡的外衣。墙壁里的声响,床榻旁的黑影,怪物在潜行…… 一个个熟悉而平凡的场景:高中,工厂,卡车加油站,洗衣房,内布拉斯加的玉米地……在斯蒂芬•金的世界里,任何地方都有可能成为魔鬼的乐园。
“在后面的故事里,你会遇见各色昼伏夜出的生灵:吸血鬼、魔鬼情人、躲在衣橱里的家伙,还有其他各种各样的鬼怪。这些都不是真的。那个躲在我床下,伺机抓我脚踝的生物也不是真的。我心里清楚。我也知道,如果我小心地把脚藏在被子下面,它永远也无法得逞。”——斯蒂芬•金 《守夜》序言
Stephen King has brought together nineteen of his most unsettling short pieces--bizarre tales of dark doing and unthinkable acts from the twilight regions where horror and madness take on eerie, unearthly forms...where noises in the walls and shadows by the bed are always signs of something dreadful on the prowl.
The settings are familiar and unsuspected--a high school, a factory, a truck stop, a laundry, a field of Nebraska corn. But in Stephen King's world any place can serve as devil's ground...if the time of night is propitious, and the forces of darkness are strong, and the victims are caught just slightly off their guard... (source)
Also contained in:
A few of the stories in here I liked more than the others, but every story in this book was fantastic. I'm ready to dig into a novel length story from Stephen King in the near future.