
Carrie , #20

Paperback, 320 pages

Langue : Chinese

Publié 30 septembre 2011 par 皇冠文化出版有限公司.

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4 étoiles (1 critique)

如果這本書沒從垃圾桶撿回來,世界上將不會有故事天王史蒂芬‧金…… 史蒂芬‧金出道代表作全新譯本 改編拍成電影,由驚悚名導布萊恩狄帕瑪執導,榮獲奧斯卡最佳女主角、女配角提名! 影評人老嘉華、台北金馬獎影展執行委員會執行長聞天祥、閱讀部落客劉韋廷著魔推薦!

被排擠的孤單、被當笑柄的難堪……現在,嘉莉要加倍地還給那些人! 從小嘉莉就生活在母親宗教狂熱的陰影下,祈禱室是最熟悉的地方。她想逃,不想在那個所謂「安全紅圈」中總是為莫須有的罪懺悔!她也想和同伴高唱青春之歌,但害羞的個性和瘦小的外形卻總是淪為大夥兒惡作劇欺凌的對象。 十六歲那年,第一次月經來潮更是帶給嘉莉嚴重的打擊,當鮮血從她的腿上流淌下來時,同學邊丟擲衛生棉邊起鬨著取笑。嘉莉羞憤地逃回家,母親卻反而狠狠地踢打了她一頓,還要她跪求神的寬恕。 為什麼別人的青春多采多姿,她卻要承受如此悲慘的命運?嘉莉的世界被絕望填滿了,而蟄伏在她體內深處的那股狂暴魔力也開始悄悄甦醒……


The story of misfit high-school girl, Carrie White, who gradually discovers that she has telekinetic powers. Repressed by a domineering, ultra-religious mother and tormented by her peers at school, her efforts to fit in lead to a dramatic confrontation during the senior prom. (source)

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84 editions

Carrie by Stephen King

4 étoiles

As a lifelong Stephen King fan, somehow I’ve never read Carrie. It’s one of those things where I’ve picked up all the plot points through cultural osmosis, I’ve seen the movie (the good one), I’ve talked about it with my friends as though I know about it. But I’ve never held the physical copy in my hands until last week.

I liked it. I don’t really have a ton to say about it. It was an extremely short read, and there were a lot of precursors to what would become eventual King hallmarks – overly religous fanatical whackjobs; bullies that were strangely too smart and/or too psychopathic to be believable; and entire towns being destroyed as a way to end the book like a Lovecraftian cleansing bolt of lightning. Happy to finally have read it.


  • Psicocinética
  • Ficción
  • Psychokinesis
  • High school students
  • Fiction


  • Maine